Stylish Hand Made Knit Hats | Stylish Winter Wear Knit Hats

Posted by Zuhaib Shaikh 4 - Feb - 2011

A lovely warm spicy rust coloured wool blend

Hand knit of a wool blend yarn in a lovely warm brown colour

This golden rod chunky bell-shaped beanie knit hat is stylish and warm
A handmade knit hat in a pixie style helmet design, and the color is a warm olive green

This knit hat is a unique original design in a lovely shade of true black.

Knit hat in a lovely shade of oatmeal

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Hi, very cute hats! Would you consider sharing the patterns? Or maybe selling a pdf of the patterns? Specifically I love the yellow flower hat and the pixie helmet designs :) Lovely work!

  2. Anonymous says:

    dude it feels like ive been searching my whole life for hats like these ones!!
    how your brain even endeavored to create such awesomeness is blowing my mind.
    i can knit. the basics. i got a really nice how to book that doesnt speak in three letter abbreviations, and there was a hat pattern in it.
    i knitted it, and i did a good job, but the problem was with the hat itself.
    the hat came out like a skull cap, which was NOT AT ALL what i was looking for.
    right now im trying to knit the kind of hats like the ones i see here but i just dont know how. i dont know how you managed to do that. my brain cant get around that.

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